The big white canvas panel. Always a little bit daunting but oh so exciting at the same time. I take a lot of care with the preparation of my fine art panels. I construct these with the best time proven materials and techniques with the latest in conservation science knowledge in mind. Here the beginnings of another beautiful subject. I sketch by hand the outlines of the subject using traditional methods using compressed charcoal in a holder. A painting like this does require a little planning.

Something new this time a New Zealand subject. I often walk the beaches here in New Zealand where the little but stunningly beautiful kingfishers live. https://nzbirdsonline.org.nz/species/sacred-kingfisher
Near where I live there are beautiful banks of colourful iron oxide pigments in the sandstone. No doubt due to geological phenomena similar to hydrated and calcined iron oxide pigments on an artists palette. These enhance the colours of the little Sacred Kingfisher.

This painting is about leaving the nest and going into the tangled world of choices and responsibility we have to survive. At this stage this is just the block in and some modelling to establish the basic tonal range. There is a lot of detail to do yet. I hope you enjoy my posts, I welcome you to leave a comment.
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