Gordon Pembridge Wildlife Artist

Studio Update

October 14 2021

New beginings. At last I am starting on another painting. I have been looking forward to doing this painting for a long time now after the quick colour study that you have seen earlier. Here you can see the careful line drawing done by hand with reasonably precise shapes. At this stage I only detail the more complex focal areas such as the faces of the guineafowl where there won’t be too much layering in the painting. The rest will be a basic blocking in of colour to start with, the detail coming in latter layers. I love the start of an oil painting. I paint using the best archival methods that I know to date with no solvents, and simple methods as per advice from the experts, including conservators of fine art. Like any subject I am interested in, I have enjoyed delving into the science behind oil paintings to really understand the best methods. I hope you enjoy the journey with this painting as much as I do. My best wishes to you all. Gordon.

October 18 2021

Progress! The blocking in stage of a painting goes quite quickly. I enjoy this stage of the painting keeping things simple and bold. I find for myself, this is a very important stage as it sets the general light in the painting. It is all about the light before the detail. This is what works for me. Hope you enjoy.

A quick heads up, 

 yes the guineafowl now have colour on their heads. I am enjoying the light in this painting even at this early stage. I can already see what initially attracted me to this scene. It is all about the guineafowl resting in the dappled shade from the heat of the African sun. The composition refrences the ever present urge to keep moving to find food and water, versus the respite from the heat that the shade provides. I hope you enjoy this stage of the process. Basically the colour is blocked in and I now need to start modeling the atmospheric perspective and space. After that the detail. Still a lot of work to do. Enjoy.

October 27 2021

I’m loving the challenges of working out the tangle of branches in the background. Always exciting as the image starts to take on atmospheric depth. Here is the colour pallet too, mixed and ready for a days painting.

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