Gordon Pembridge Wildlife Artist

Studio Update

July 30 2019

More wrinkles, as if the rhinos were not enough!

Still mapping out the painting with iron oxides in the underpainting. I like the warmth this colour has as an underpainting. It goes well with the African theme here. Once I have “anchored” the image onto the canvas I then proceed to blocking in with colour. Importantly I don’t overdo this underpainting stage as oils as they age become more transparent so I leave things such as the sky as a white background for the sky coloured paint. Blocking in with the relevant colours as I go.

August 1 2019

Still building the tonal range here, over the detailed line painting.

August 2 2019

Some more colour blocked in roughly and a patch of background worked up a little. Starting to get a better idea of light and dark areas as well as general overall colour although the colour is somewhat muted at this stage.

Aug 5 2019

Some more colour blocked in, the background now roughed in, still finishing touches trees and bits of bush to paint in yet. Foreground shadows underpainting blocked in along with the shadow of the baobab worked up a little. Started blocking in some colour on the baobab tree top left. Enjoy.

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